Open Access
2021 Poisson approximation. Addendum
S. Y. Novak
Author Affiliations +
Probab. Surveys 18: 272-275 (2021). DOI: 10.1214/21-PS2


An important feature of a Poisson limit theorem in [4] is the absence of the traditional assumption (A.2). The purpose of this addendum is to explain why assumption (A.2) is not required, and compare the assumptions of the Poisson limit theorem in [4] with traditional ones. We present details of the argument behind Theorem 3 in [4].


The author is grateful to the reviewer for a helpful remark that led to simplification of the proof of proposition 1.


Download Citation

S. Y. Novak. "Poisson approximation. Addendum." Probab. Surveys 18 272 - 275, 2021.


Received: 1 May 2021; Published: 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 22 December 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/21-PS2

Primary: 60F05 , 60F05
Secondary: 60G70

Keywords: Poisson approximation

Vol.18 • 2021
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