Open Access
July 2019 On a class of Rauzy fractals without the finiteness property
Gustavo A. Pavani
Osaka J. Math. 56(3): 577-599 (July 2019).


We present some topological and arithmetical aspects of a class of Rauzy fractals $\mathcal{R}_{a,b}$ related to the polynomials of the form $P_{a,b}(x)=x^{3}-ax^{2}-bx-1$, where $a$ and $b$ are integers satisfying $-a+1 \leq b \leq -2$. This class has the property that $0$ lies on the boundary of $\mathcal{R}_{a,b}$. We construct explicit finite automata that recognize the boundaries of these fractals. This allows to establish the number of neighbors of $\mathcal{R}_{a,b}$ in the tiling it generates. Furthermore, we prove that if $2a+3b+4 \leq 0$ then $\mathcal{R}_{a,b}$ is not homeomorphic to a topological disk. We also show that the boundary of the set $\mathcal{R}_{3,-2}$ is generated by two infinite iterated function systems.


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Gustavo A. Pavani. "On a class of Rauzy fractals without the finiteness property." Osaka J. Math. 56 (3) 577 - 599, July 2019.


Published: July 2019
First available in Project Euclid: 16 July 2019

zbMATH: 07108031
MathSciNet: MR3982045

Primary: 11B85
Secondary: 28A80 , 37B10 , 52C20

Rights: Copyright © 2019 Osaka University and Osaka City University, Departments of Mathematics

Vol.56 • No. 3 • July 2019
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