VOL. 65 · NO. 3 | August 2024
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), (August 2024)
No abstract available
Max A. Freund
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), 229-246, (August 2024) DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2024-0009
KEYWORDS: Evidence Law, epistemic logic, knowability, legal obligation, temporal logic, 03B42, 03B44, 03B45
Predrag Tanović
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), 247-257, (August 2024) DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2024-0014
KEYWORDS: first order theory, discrete linear order, countable model, Vaught’s conjecture, simple type, 03C15, 03C45
Leigh Evron, Reed Solomon, Rachel D. Stahl
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), 259-274, (August 2024) DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2024-0023
KEYWORDS: computability theory, graph theory, vertex games, 03D80, 05C57
Melvin Fitting
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), 275-309, (August 2024) DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2024-0021
KEYWORDS: tableau, interpolation, logic of paradox, first degree entailment, many-valued logics, Dunn logics, De Morgan lattice, 03B20, 03B50, 03B53, 03B60, 03F03
Eleftherios Tachtsis
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), 311-331, (August 2024) DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2024-0020
KEYWORDS: choice principles, decreasing sequence of cardinals, permutation models of ZFA+¬AC, Pincus’s transfer theorem, 03E25, 03E35, 03E65
Assaf Shani
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), 333-356, (August 2024) DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2024-0017
KEYWORDS: complete classification, classifying invariants, Borel equivalence relations, Borel reducibility, intersection models, turbulence, hypersmooth equivalence relations, the bounding number, 03E15, 03E25, 03E17, 03E47, 03E75
Marcin Łyczak
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (3), 357-365, (August 2024) DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2024-0024
KEYWORDS: classical mereology, axiomatization, Fusion, composition, sum, 03B30, 03B16, 03B80
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