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2001 On the slope of fibred surfaces
Miguel Ángel Barja, Francesco Zucconi
Nagoya Math. J. 164: 103-131 (2001).


We give an asymptotically sharp lower bound for the slope $\lambda (f)$ of a fibration $f:S\rightarrow B$, where $S$ is a surface and $B$ is a curve, if there exists an involution on the general fibre $F$ of $f$. We also construct a new lower bound of $\lambda (f)$ depending increasingly on the irregularity of $S$; as an application of this new bound we have a criteria to control the existence of other fibrations on $S$.


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Miguel Ángel Barja. Francesco Zucconi. "On the slope of fibred surfaces." Nagoya Math. J. 164 103 - 131, 2001.


Published: 2001
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2005

zbMATH: 1075.14502
MathSciNet: MR1869097

Primary: 14D06
Secondary: 14J99

Rights: Copyright © 2001 Editorial Board, Nagoya Mathematical Journal

Vol.164 • 2001
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