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2000 On the deduction of the class field theory from the general reciprocity of power residues
Tomio Kubota, Satomi Oka
Nagoya Math. J. 160: 135-142 (2000).


We denote by (A) Artin's reciprocity law for a general abelian extension of a finite degree over an algebraic number field of a finite degree, and denote two special cases of (A) as follows: by (AC) the assertion (A) where $K/F$ is a cyclotomic extension; by (AK) the assertion (A) where $K/F$ is a Kummer extension. We will show that (A) is derived from (AC) and (AK) only by routine, elementarily algebraic arguments provided that $n = (K : F)$ is odd. If $n$ is even, then some more advanced tools like Proposition 2 are necessary. This proposition is a consequence of Hasse's norm theorem for a quadratic extension of an algebraic number field, but weaker than the latter.


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Tomio Kubota. Satomi Oka. "On the deduction of the class field theory from the general reciprocity of power residues." Nagoya Math. J. 160 135 - 142, 2000.


Published: 2000
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2005

zbMATH: 0967.11047
MathSciNet: MR1804141

Primary: 11R37
Secondary: 11E12

Rights: Copyright © 2000 Editorial Board, Nagoya Mathematical Journal

Vol.160 • 2000
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