Open Access
1999 Magnetic scattering at low energy in two dimensions
Hideo Tamura
Nagoya Math. J. 155: 95-151 (1999).


We study the asymptotic behavior at low energy of scattering amplitudes in two dimensional magnetic fields with compact support. The obtained result depends on the total flux of magnetic fields. It should be noted that magnetic potentials do not necessarily fall off rapidly at infinity. The main body of argument is occupied by the resolvent analysis at low energy for magnetic Schrödinger operators with perturbations of lang-range class. We can show that the dimension of resonance spaces at zero energy does not exceed two. As a simple application, we also discuss the scattering by magnetic field with small support and the convergence to the scattering amplitude by $\delta$-like magnetic field.


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Hideo Tamura. "Magnetic scattering at low energy in two dimensions." Nagoya Math. J. 155 95 - 151, 1999.


Published: 1999
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2005

zbMATH: 0934.35140
MathSciNet: MR1711375

Primary: 81U05
Secondary: 35J10 , 35P25 , 47N50

Rights: Copyright © 1999 Editorial Board, Nagoya Mathematical Journal

Vol.155 • 1999
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