VOL. 14 · NO. 3 | September 2007
Chien-Hong Cho, Hisashi Okamoto
Methods Appl. Anal. 14 (3), 213-226, (September 2007) Open Access
KEYWORDS: finite difference method, nonlinear parabolic equation, Blow-up, 65M06
No abstract available
Renjun Duan
Methods Appl. Anal. 14 (3), 227-250, (September 2007) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Boltzmann equation, equilibrium state, energy estimates, 76P05, 82C40, 82D05
Seung-Yeal Ha, Yong Duck Kim, Ho Lee, Se Eun Noh
Methods Appl. Anal. 14 (3), 251-262, (September 2007) Open Access
KEYWORDS: asymptotic completeness, relativistic kinetic equation, the Vlasov-Yukawa equation, the Klein-Gordon equation, 35L45, 70K20, 70K40
Dongjuan Niu, Quansen Jiu, Zhouping Xin
Methods Appl. Anal. 14 (3), 263-272, (September 2007) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Vanishing viscosity limit, Euler equations, vortex-sheets data, Navier-Stokes approximations, 76B47, 35Q30
No abstract available
Changzheng Qu, Yanyan Li
Methods Appl. Anal. 14 (3), 273-286, (September 2007) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Similarity geometry, invariant geometric flow, deformation of surface, integrable system, 37K25, 53C44, 53A55
Xiao-Ping Wang, Ya-Guang Wang
Methods Appl. Anal. 14 (3), 287-294, (September 2007) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Sharp interface limit, matched asymptotic expansion, moving contact line, 76T05, 34E05
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