Let X be an irreducible -dimensional holomorphic symplectic manifold. A reflexive sheaf F is very modular if its Azumaya algebra deforms with X to every Kähler deformation of X. We show that if F is a slope-stable reflexive sheaf of positive rank and the obstruction map has rank 1, then F is very modular. We associate to such a sheaf a vector in the Looijenga–Lunts–Verbitsky lattice of rank . Three sources of examples of such modular sheaves emerge. The first source consists of slope-stable reflexive sheaves F of positive rank that are isomorphic to the image of the structure sheaf via an equivalence of the derived categories of two irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds. The second source consists of such F, which are isomorphic to the image of a skyscraper sheaf via a derived equivalence. The third source consists of images of torsion sheaves L supported as line bundles on holomorphic lagrangian submanifolds Z such that Z deforms with X in codimension 1 in moduli, and L is a rational power of the canonical line bundle of Z.
An example of the first source is constructed using a stable and rigid vector bundle G on a surface X to get the very modular vector bundle F on the Hilbert scheme associated to the equivariant vector bundle on via the Bridgeland–King–Reid (BKR) correspondence. This builds upon and partially generalizes results of O’Grady for . A construction of the second source associates to a set of n distinct stable vector bundles in the same two-dimensional moduli space of vector bundles on a surface X the very modular vector bundle F on corresponding to the equivariant bundle on .
Eyal Markman. "Stable vector bundles on a hyper-Kähler manifold with a rank 1 obstruction map are modular." Kyoto J. Math. 64 (3) 635 - 742, August 2024. https://doi.org/10.1215/21562261-2024-0002