In this paper we study Lagrangian-invariant objects (LI objects for short) in the derived category of coherent sheaves on an abelian variety. For every element of the complexified ample cone we construct a natural phase function on the set of LI objects, which in the case gives the phases with respect to the corresponding Bridgeland stability. The construction is based on the relation between endofunctors of and a certain natural central extension of groups, associated with viewed as a Hermitian symmetric space. In the case when is a power of an elliptic curve, we show that our phase function has a natural interpretation in terms of the Fukaya category of the mirror dual abelian variety. As a by-product of our study of LI objects we show that the Bridgeland component of the stability space of an abelian surface contains all full stabilities.
Alexander Polishchuk. "Phases of Lagrangian-invariant objects in the derived category of an abelian variety." Kyoto J. Math. 54 (2) 427 - 482, Summer 2014. https://doi.org/10.1215/21562261-2642449