June 2022 Curves with rational families of quasi-toric relations
Remke Kloosterman
Author Affiliations +
Kodai Math. J. 45(2): 250-258 (June 2022). DOI: 10.2996/kmj45203


We investigate which plane curves admit rational families of quasi-toric relations. This extends previous results of Takahashi and Tokunaga in the positive case and of the author in the negative case.


The author would like to thank the referee for various comments to improve the exposition.


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Remke Kloosterman. "Curves with rational families of quasi-toric relations." Kodai Math. J. 45 (2) 250 - 258, June 2022. https://doi.org/10.2996/kmj45203


Received: 10 May 2021; Revised: 1 November 2021; Published: June 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 30 June 2022

MathSciNet: MR4447655
zbMATH: 1491.14050
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2996/kmj45203

Primary: 14H50
Secondary: 14H30

Keywords: Quasi-toric relations , singular plane curves

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics

Vol.45 • No. 2 • June 2022
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