In this work, we translate at the level of decorated trees some of the crucial arguments which have been used by P. Linares et al. in their recent paper to propose a diagram-free approach for the convergence of the model in regularity structures. This allows us to broaden the perspective and enlarge the scope of singular SPDEs covered by this approach. It also sheds new light on algebraic structures introduced in the foundational paper of M. Hairer on regularity structures which was used later for recursively described renormalised models.
Funding Statement
The first author is funded by the ANR via the project LoRDeT (Dynamiques de faible régularité via les arbres décorées) from the projects call T-ERC_STG.
Yvain BRUNED. Usama NADEEM. "Diagram-free approach for convergence of trees based model in regularity structures." J. Math. Soc. Japan 76 (4) 1139 - 1169, October, 2024. https://doi.org/10.2969/jmsj/91129112