In this paper we present a way of computing a lower bound for the genus of any smooth representative of a homology class of positive self-intersection in a smooth four-manifold $X$ with second positive Betti number $b^{+}_{2}(X) = 1$. We study the solutions of the Seiberg-Witten equations on the cylindrical end manifold which is the complement of the surface representing the class. The result can be formulated as a form of generalized adjunction inequality. The bounds obtained depend only on the rational homology type of the manifold, and include the Thom conjecture as a special case. We generalize this approach to derive lower bounds on the number of intersection points of $n$ algebraically disjoint surfaces of positive self-intersection in manifolds with $b^{+}_{2}(X) = n$.
Sašo Strle. "Bounds on genus and geometric intersections from cylindrical end moduli spaces." J. Differential Geom. 65 (3) 469 - 511, November, 2003. https://doi.org/10.4310/jdg/1434052757