We study the exact asymptotics for the distribution of the first time, τx, a Lévy process Xt crosses a fixed negative level -x. We prove that ℙ{τx >t} ~V(x) ℙ{Xt≥0}/t as t→∞ for a certain function V(x). Using known results for the large deviations of random walks, we obtain asymptotics for ℙ{τx>t} explicitly in both light- and heavy-tailed cases.
Denis Denisov. Vsevolod Shneer. "Asymptotics for the first passage times of Lévy processes and random walks." J. Appl. Probab. 50 (1) 64 - 84, March 2013. https://doi.org/10.1239/jap/1363784425