This paper formulates sufficiency-type global stability and asymptotic stability results for, in general, nonlinear time-varying dynamic systems with state-trajectory solution-dependent parameterizations. The stability proofs are based on obtaining sufficiency-type conditions which guarantee that either the norms of the solution trajectory or alternative interval-type integrals of the matrix of dynamics of the higher-order than linear terms do not grow faster than their available supremum on the preceding time intervals. Some extensions are also given based on the use of a truncated Taylor series expansion of chosen truncation order with multiargument integral remainder for the dynamics of the differential system.
M. De la Sen. "On Some Sufficiency-Type Global Stability Results for Time-Varying Dynamic Systems with State-Dependent Parameterizations." Int. J. Differ. Equ. 2019 1 - 15, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/5097974