Let $X$ be an $H$-space of the homotopy type of a connected finite CW complex. Suppose the generators of the rational cohomology of $X$ all have dimension $\leq m$. Theorem. If $p$ is a prime satisfying $2p-1\geq m$, then $X$ is mod $p$ equivalent to a product of odd dimensional spheres and generalized Lens spaces $L(p,1,\ldots,1)$ obtained as the orbit space of an action of $Z_{\mathrm{p}}$ on $S^{2\mathrm{p}-1}$.
John R. Harper. "Regularity of finite $H$-spaces." Illinois J. Math. 23 (2) 330 - 333, June 1979. https://doi.org/10.1215/ijm/1256048244