October 2022 The geometric invariants for mPCLP/mDCLP family
Norio EJIRI, Toshihiro SHODA
Author Affiliations +
Hokkaido Math. J. 51(3): 487-530 (October 2022). DOI: 10.14492/hokmj/2020-411


The present paper continues our recent works related to the moduli theory of triply periodic minimal surfaces of genus three in terms of three geometric invariants, namely, the Morse index, the nullity, and the signature of a minimal surface. In this paper, we consider mPCLP/mDCLP family, which is listed in Fogden-Hyde [9] and also contains other families in the same paper as its special cases. In fact, the family is a three-parameter family of compact oriented embedded minimal surfaces of genus three in flat three-tori. By numerical arguments, we will compute the three quantities for mPCLP/mDCLP family. Our previous works only treated one-parameter families, and thus the family is of higher dimensional and has richer properties in the moduli space of triply periodic minimal surfaces of genus three.

Funding Statement

First author was partly supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 15K04859.
Second author was partly supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 20K03616.


Download Citation

Norio EJIRI. Toshihiro SHODA. "The geometric invariants for mPCLP/mDCLP family." Hokkaido Math. J. 51 (3) 487 - 530, October 2022. https://doi.org/10.14492/hokmj/2020-411


Received: 2 November 2020; Revised: 23 April 2021; Published: October 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 4 December 2022

Digital Object Identifier: 10.14492/hokmj/2020-411

Primary: 53A10
Secondary: 49Q05 , 53C42

Keywords: flat tori , minimal surfaces , Morse index , signature

Rights: Copyright c 2022 Hokkaido University, Department of Mathematics

Vol.51 • No. 3 • October 2022
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