Considering the $B$-branes over a complex manifold as the objects of the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on that manifold, we extend the definition of holomorphic gauge fields on vector bundles to $B$-branes. We construct a family of coherent sheaves on the complex projective space, which generates the corresponding bounded derived category and such that the supports of the elements of this family are two by two disjoint. Using that family, we prove that the cardinal of the set of holomorphic gauge fields on any $B$-brane over the projective space is less than two.
Andres Vina. "Holomorphic Gauge Fields on $B$-branes." Geom. Integrability & Quantization 28 81 - 92, 2024. https://doi.org/10.7546/giq-28-2024-81-92