Advance Publication | 2024
The advance publication content published here for the Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici is in its final form; it has been reviewed, corrected, edited, typeset, and assigned a permanent digital object identifier (DOI). The article's pagination will be updated when the article is assigned to a volume and issue.

Advance publication content can be cited using the date of online publication and the DOI.
Amrinder Kaur, Ayyadurai Sankaranarayanan
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-16, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/2134
KEYWORDS: Rankin--Selberg $L$-function, Godement--Jacquet $L$-function, Riesz mean asymptotic formula, Hecke--Maass form, 11F30, 11N75
Takahiro Tsushima
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-23, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/2170
KEYWORDS: generalized Suzuki curve, number of rational points, zeta function, maximal curves, 14G05, 11M38, 11G20, 14F20, 14H37
Naoki Kumakawa
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-13, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240331-2-9
KEYWORDS: Iwasawa invariants, quadratic fields, class numbers, 11R11, 11R29
Shin-ichi Yasutomi
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-34, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240514-24-5
KEYWORDS: Continued fraction, $p$-adic continued fraction, quadratic fields, primary 11J70, secondary 11Y65, 11J61, 11D88
Ajai Choudhry, Arman Shamsi Zargar
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-8, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240530-10-7
KEYWORDS: biquadrates, fourth powers, equal sums of biquadrates, 11D25
Sudhansu Sekhar Rout, Pritam Kumar Bhoi
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-14, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240610-15-9
KEYWORDS: linear recurrence sequence, sums of $S$-units, perfect power, Baker's method, 11B37, 11D61, 11J86
William Banks, Saloni Sinha
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-18, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240713-22-7
KEYWORDS: von Mangoldt function, Riemann hypothesis, 11M26, 11M06
Toshiki Matsusaka, Hideki Murahara, Tomokazu Onozuka
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-20, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240716-1-8
KEYWORDS: multiple zeta functions, Gregory coefficients, 11M32, 11B68
Omar Kchit
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-19, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240725-15-9
KEYWORDS: theorem of Dedekind, theorem of Ore, prime ideal factorization, Newton polygon, index of a number field, power integral basis, monogenic}\vspace{-3pt, 11R04, 11Y40, 11R21
Yuuya Yoshida
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-26, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240813-26-8
KEYWORDS: Piatetski-Shapiro sequence, additive energy, arithmetic progression, equidistribution, Discrepancy, 11D85, 11D04, 11D72, 11B30, 11B25, 37A44
Ramūnas Garunkštis, Aivaras Novikas
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-24, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/240929-7-10
KEYWORDS: Riemann zeta-function, nontrivial zeros, discrete mean square estimates, 11M26
András Biró
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. Advance Publication, 1-51, (2024) DOI: 10.7169/facm/241017-11-11
KEYWORDS: triple product integrals, Maass forms, 11F03, 11F37
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