Open Access
2008 Sequences of Enumerative Geometry: Congruences and Asymptotics, with an appendix by Don Zagier
Daniel B. Grünberg, Pieter Moree
Experiment. Math. 17(4): 409-426 (2008).


We study the integer sequence $v_n$ of numbers of lines in hypersurfaces of degree $2n-3$ of $\P^n$, $n>1$. We prove a number of congruence properties of these numbers of several different types. Furthermore, the asymptotics of the $v_n$ are described (in an appendix by Don Zagier). Finally, an attempt is made at carrying out a similar analysis for numbers of rational plane curves.


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Daniel B. Grünberg. Pieter Moree. "Sequences of Enumerative Geometry: Congruences and Asymptotics, with an appendix by Don Zagier." Experiment. Math. 17 (4) 409 - 426, 2008.


Published: 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 27 May 2009

zbMATH: 1182.11047

Primary: 11N37 , 11N69 , 11R45

Keywords: asymptotic growth , congruence , number of plane rational curves , Sequence

Rights: Copyright © 2008 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.17 • No. 4 • 2008
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