We give some heuristics for counting elliptic curves with certain properties. In particular, we rederive the Brumer-McGuinness heuristic for the number of curves with positive/negative discriminant up to {\small$X$}, which is an application of lattice-point counting. We then introduce heuristics that allow us to predict how often we expect an elliptic curve $E$ with even parity to have $L(E,1)=0$. We find that we expect there to be about $c_1X^{19/24}(\log X)^{3/8}$ curves with $|\Delta|<X$ with even parity and positive (analytic) rank; since Brumer and McGuinness predict {\small$cX^{5/6}$} total curves, this implies that, asymptotically, almost all even-parity curves have rank $0$. We then derive similar estimates for ordering by conductor, and conclude by giving various data regarding our heuristics and related questions.
Mark Watkins. "Some Heuristics about Elliptic Curves." Experiment. Math. 17 (1) 105 - 125, 2008.