In this paper, we consider the linear regression model with functional regressors and responses. We develop new inference tools to quantify deviations of the true slope S from a hypothesized operator with respect to the Hilbert–Schmidt norm , as well as the prediction error . Our analysis is applicable to functional time series and based on asymptotically pivotal statistics. This makes it particularly user-friendly, because it avoids the choice of tuning parameters inherent in long-run variance estimation or bootstrap of dependent data. We also discuss two sample problems as well as change point detection. Finite sample properties are investigated by means of a simulation study.
Mathematically, our approach is based on a sequential version of the popular spectral cut-off estimator for S. We prove that (sequential) plug-in estimators of the deviation measures are -consistent and satisfy weak invariance principles. These results rest on the smoothing effect of -norms, that we exploit by a new proof-technique, the smoothness shift, which has potential applications in other fields.
Funding Statement
The work of H. Dette was supported by the DFG Research unit 5381 Mathematical Statistics in the Information Age.
The authors would also like to thank two unknown referees for their careful comments on earlier version of this paper.
Tim Kutta. Gauthier Dierickx. Holger Dette. "Statistical inference for the slope parameter in functional linear regression." Electron. J. Statist. 16 (2) 5980 - 6042, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/22-EJS2078