We study the following question: What is the largest deterministic amount of time that a suitably normalized martingale X can be kept inside a convex body K in ? We show, in a viscosity framework, that equals the time it takes for the relative boundary of K to reach as it undergoes a geometric flow that we call (positive) minimum curvature flow. This result has close links to the literature on stochastic and game representations of geometric flows. Moreover, the minimum curvature flow can be viewed as an arrival time version of the Ambrosio–Soner codimension- mean curvature flow of the 1-skeleton of K. Our results are obtained by a mix of probabilistic and analytic methods.
Funding Statement
J.R. acknowledges financial support from the EPSRC Research Grant EP/W004070/1. Data Access Statement: There are no data associated with this article.
Part of this research was completed while we visited I. Karatzas at Columbia University, whom we thank for his hospitality. J.R. is also grateful to FIM at ETH Zurich for hosting. We would like to thank F. Da Lio, R. Kohn, and M. Shkolnikov for helpful discussions. We are especially grateful to I. Karatzas and M. Soner for pointing out relevant references in the literature, stimulating discussions, and useful suggestions. We also thank two anonymous referees for their hugely valuable comments.
Martin Larsson. Johannes Ruf. "Minimum curvature flow and martingale exit times." Electron. J. Probab. 29 1 - 32, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-EJP1166