We study scale-invariant Rayleigh Random Flights (“RRF”) in random environments given by planar Scale-Invariant Random Spatial Networks (“SIRSN”) based on speed-marked Poisson line processes. A natural one-parameter family of such RRF (with scale-invariant dynamics) can be viewed as producing “randomly-broken local geodesics” on the SIRSN; we aim to shed some light on a conjecture that a (non-broken) geodesic on such a SIRSN will never come to a complete stop en route. (If true, then all such geodesics can be represented as doubly-infinite sequences of sequentially connected line segments. This would justify a natural procedure for computing geodesics.) The family of these RRF (“SIRSN-RRF”), is introduced via a novel axiomatic theory of abstract scattering representations for Markov chains (itself of independent interest). Palm conditioning (specifically the Mecke-Slivnyak theorem for Palm probabilities of Poisson point processes) and ideas from the ergodic theory of random walks in random environments are used to show that at a critical value of the parameter the speed of the scale-invariant SIRSN-RRF neither diverges to infinity nor tends to zero, thus supporting the conjecture.
Wilfrid S. Kendall. "Rayleigh Random Flights on the Poisson line SIRSN." Electron. J. Probab. 25 1 - 36, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-EJP526