15 January 2023 New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic
Dave Benson, Pavel Etingof, Victor Ostrik
Author Affiliations +
Duke Math. J. 172(1): 105-200 (15 January 2023). DOI: 10.1215/00127094-2022-0030


We propose a method of constructing abelian envelopes of symmetric rigid monoidal Karoubian categories over an algebraically closed field k. If char(k)=p>0, then we use this method to construct the incompressible abelian symmetric tensor categories Verpn, Verpn+ generalizing earlier constructions by Gelfand–Kazhdan and Georgiev–Mathieu for n=1, and by Benson–Etingof for p=2. Namely, Verpn is the abelian envelope of the quotient of the category of tilting modules for SL2(k) by the nth Steinberg module, and Verpn+ is its subcategory generated by PGL2(k)-modules. We show that Verpn are reductions to characteristic p of Verlinde braided tensor categories in characteristic 0, which explains the notation. We study the structure of these categories in detail and, in particular, show that they categorify the real cyclotomic rings Z[2cos(2πpn)], and that Verpn embeds into Verpn+1. We conjecture that every symmetric tensor category of moderate growth over k admits a fiber functor to the union Verp of the nested sequence VerpVerp2 . This would provide an analogue of Deligne’s theorem in characteristic 0 and a generalization of the results of Coulembier, Etingof, and Ostrik, which shows that this conjecture holds for Frobenius exact (in particular, semisimple) categories, and, moreover, the fiber functor lands in Verp (in the case of fusion categories, this was shown earlier by Ostrik). Finally, we classify symmetric tensor categories generated by an object with invertible exterior square; this class contains the categories Verpn.


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Dave Benson. Pavel Etingof. Victor Ostrik. "New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic." Duke Math. J. 172 (1) 105 - 200, 15 January 2023. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2022-0030


Received: 2 May 2021; Revised: 10 November 2021; Published: 15 January 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 5 January 2023

zbMATH: 1511.18019
MathSciNet: MR4533718
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/00127094-2022-0030

Primary: 18M05

Keywords: Deligne’s theorem , tensor category

Rights: Copyright © 2023 Duke University Press

Vol.172 • No. 1 • 15 January 2023
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