September/October 2022 Convergence rate in periodic homogenization of higher-order parabolic systems revisited
Qing Meng, Weisheng Niu
Differential Integral Equations 35(9/10): 531-557 (September/October 2022). DOI: 10.57262/die035-0910-531


We consider the convergence rate in periodic homogenization of higher order parabolic systems with time-dependent coefficients. The sharp $ O(\varepsilon) $-order scaling invariant convergence rate in the space $L^{2}(0,T;W^{m-1,p_{0}}(\Omega))$, $p_{0}=\frac{2d}{d-1}$, is derived by the duality argument. This largely improves the corresponding result by Niu and Xu in Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems. Series A 38(8): 4203--4229 (2018).


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Qing Meng. Weisheng Niu. "Convergence rate in periodic homogenization of higher-order parabolic systems revisited." Differential Integral Equations 35 (9/10) 531 - 557, September/October 2022.


Published: September/October 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 1 June 2022

Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/die035-0910-531

Primary: 35B27

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.

Vol.35 • No. 9/10 • September/October 2022
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