March/April 2022 Local boundedness for forward-backward parabolic De Giorgi classes without assuming higher regularity
Fabio Paronetto
Differential Integral Equations 35(3/4): 151-172 (March/April 2022). DOI: 10.57262/die035-0304-151


We define a homogeneous De Giorgi class of order $p \geqslant 2$ that contains the solutions of two evolution equations of elliptic-parabolic and forward-backward parabolic type like $\rho (x,t) u_t + A u = 0$ and $(\rho (x,t) u)_t + A u = 0$, where $\rho$, for simplicity, takes values in the set $\{ -1, 0, 1 \}$, and $A$ a suitable monotone operator. For functions belonging to this class, we prove an unusual local boundedness result.


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Fabio Paronetto. "Local boundedness for forward-backward parabolic De Giorgi classes without assuming higher regularity." Differential Integral Equations 35 (3/4) 151 - 172, March/April 2022.


Published: March/April 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 7 February 2022

Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/die035-0304-151

Primary: 35B45 , 35B50 , 35B65 , 35J62 , 35J70 , 35K65 , 35M10

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.

Vol.35 • No. 3/4 • March/April 2022
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