In this paper we discuss weak solutions of the multi-dimensional two-phase Stefan problem with the boundary condition including the subdifferential operator of the convex function on $\mathbb R$ so that the boundary condition is nonlinear and contains a multi-valued operator, in general. Kenmochi and Pawlow already established the uniqueness and existence of a solution to our problem in the sense of the vanishing viscosity solution. The purpose of this paper is to prove the uniqueness theorem for a solution defined in the usual variational sense. Our proof is due to the standard method in which the dual problem of the original problem plays a very important role.
Toyohiko Aiki. "Uniqueness for multi-dimensional Stefan problems with nonlinear boundary conditions described by maximal monotone operators." Differential Integral Equations 15 (8) 973 - 1008, 2002. https://doi.org/10.57262/die/1356060781