2000 Existence, uniqueness, and longtime behavior for a nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equation
Viorel Barbu, Pierluigi Colli, Gianni Gilardi, Maurizio Grasselli
Differential Integral Equations 13(10-12): 1233-1262 (2000). DOI: 10.57262/die/1356061125


We consider an initial and boundary value problem for a nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equation. This equation governs the evolution of a pair of state variables, $u$ and $\vartheta$, which are mutually related by a maximal monotone graph $\gamma$ in ${{\Bbb R}}\times{{\Bbb R}}.$ The model can be viewed, for instance, as a generalized Stefan problem within the theory of heat conduction in materials with memory. Besides, it can be used for describing some diffusion processes in fractured media. The relation defined by $\gamma$ is properly interpreted and generalized in terms of a subdifferential operator associated with $\gamma$ and acting from $H^1(\Omega)$ to its dual space. Then, the generalized problem is formulated as an abstract Cauchy problem for a perturbation of a nonlinear semigroup, and existence and uniqueness of a solution $(u,\vartheta)$ can be proved via a fixed-point argument whatever the maximal monotone graph $\gamma$ is. Moreover, the meaning of $\gamma$ as a pointwise relationship is recovered almost everywhere, in the case when $\gamma$ is bounded on bounded subsets of ${{\Bbb R}}$. Finally, under some other restrictions on $\gamma$, the longtime behavior of the solution is investigated, in a more specific context related to the generalized Stefan problem.


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Viorel Barbu. Pierluigi Colli. Gianni Gilardi. Maurizio Grasselli. "Existence, uniqueness, and longtime behavior for a nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equation." Differential Integral Equations 13 (10-12) 1233 - 1262, 2000. https://doi.org/10.57262/die/1356061125


Published: 2000
First available in Project Euclid: 21 December 2012

zbMATH: 0981.45006
MathSciNet: MR1785706
Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/die/1356061125

Primary: 45K05
Secondary: 45N05

Rights: Copyright © 2000 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.

Vol.13 • No. 10-12 • 2000
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