2000 Remarks on the planetary geostrophic model of gyre scale ocean circulation
R. Samelson, R. Temam, S. Wang
Differential Integral Equations 13(1-3): 1-14 (2000). DOI: 10.57262/die/1356124287


We study in this article the mathematical formulation of the planetary geostrophic (PG) equations of large-scale ocean circulation, in the case where small-scale processes are parameterized by the traditional Laplacian eddy diffusion and eddy viscosity. We prove the existence and uniqueness of global in time strong solutions of these equations with either $L^\infty$ or $H^2$ initial data. Due essentially to the high nonlinearity (comparable to a squared gradient) of the equations, two problems remain open. First, the existence of more regular solutions with $L^\infty \cap H^1$ initial data is still unknown, although more regular solutions are obtained with $H^2$ initial data. Second, the existence of global attractor and its dimension estimates are open, and related to that are the time uniform boundedness of the norm in $H^2$ and higher order Sobolev spaces of the solutions.


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R. Samelson. R. Temam. S. Wang. "Remarks on the planetary geostrophic model of gyre scale ocean circulation." Differential Integral Equations 13 (1-3) 1 - 14, 2000. https://doi.org/10.57262/die/1356124287


Published: 2000
First available in Project Euclid: 21 December 2012

zbMATH: 0979.35118
MathSciNet: MR1811946
Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/die/1356124287

Primary: 35Q80
Secondary: 35A05 , 35Q35 , 86A10

Rights: Copyright © 2000 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.

Vol.13 • No. 1-3 • 2000
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