A bounded linear operator $T\in\mathbf{L}(\mathbb{X})$ acting on a Banach space satisfies property $(aw)$, a variant of Weyl's theorem, if the complement in the spectrum $\sigma(T)$ of the Weyl spectrum $\sigma_w(T)$ is the set of all isolated points of the approximate-point spectrum which are eigenvalues of finite multiplicity. In this article we consider the preservation of property $(aw)$ under a finite rank perturbation commuting with $T$, whenever $T$ is polaroid, or $T$ has analytical core $K(T-\lambda_0 I)=\{0\}$ for some $\lambda_0\in \mathbb{C}$. The preservation of property $(aw)$ is also studied under commuting nilpotent or under injective quasi-nilpotent perturbations or under Riesz perturbations. The theory is exemplified in the case of some special classes of operators.
M. H.M. Rashid. "Property $(aw)$ and perturbations." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 20 (1) 1 - 18, february 2013. https://doi.org/10.36045/bbms/1366306710