We propose a stochastic model for evolution through mutation and natural selection of a population that evolves on a tree. We think of this model as a way of describing the evolution fitness landscape of a population. We obtain sharp and distinct conditions on the set of parameters for extinction and survival.
Funding Statement
The first author was supported by CAPES(001). The second author was supported by CONICYT/FONDECYT Postdoctorado (3160163). The third author was supported by CNPq(303699/2018-3) and FAPESP(17/10555-0). The fourth author was supported by Universidad de Antioquia.
The authors would like to thank the Referees for the constructive comments which helped to improve the readability and quality of the paper.
Carolina Grejo. Fábio Lopes. Fábio Machado. Alejandro Roldán-Correa. "Evolution with mass extinction on ." Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 36 (4) 771 - 776, December 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/22-BJPS554