February 2025 Simultaneous off-the-grid learning of mixtures issued from a continuous dictionary
Cristina Butucea, Jean-François Delmas, Anne Dutfoy, Clément Hardy
Author Affiliations +
Bernoulli 31(1): 187-212 (February 2025). DOI: 10.3150/24-BEJ1724


In this paper we observe a set, possibly a continuum, of signals corrupted by noise. Each signal is a finite mixture of an unknown number of features belonging to a continuous dictionary. The continuous dictionary is parametrized by a real non-linear parameter. We shall assume that the signals share an underlying structure by assuming that each signal has its active features included in a finite and sparse set. We formulate regularized optimization problem to estimate simultaneously the linear coefficients in the mixtures and the non-linear parameters of the features. The optimization problem is composed of a data fidelity term and a (1,Lp)-penalty. We call its solution the Group-Nonlinear-Lasso and provide high probability bounds on the prediction error using certificate functions. Following recent works on the geometry of off-the-grid methods, we show that such functions can be constructed provided the parameters of the active features are pairwise separated by a constant with respect to a Riemannian metric. When the number of signals is finite and the noise is assumed Gaussian, we give refinements of our results for p=1 and p=2 using tail bounds on suprema of Gaussian and χ2 random processes. When p=2, our prediction error reaches the rates obtained by the Group-Lasso estimator in the multi-task linear regression model. Furthermore, for p=2 these prediction rates are faster than for p=1 when all signals share most of the non-linear parameters.

Funding Statement

This work was partially supported by the ANRT grant N°2019/1260 and the grant Investissements d’Avenir (ANR11-IDEX0003/Labex Ecodec/ANR-11-LABX-00).


The authors are grateful to the Associate Editor and the referees for their useful comments.


Download Citation

Cristina Butucea. Jean-François Delmas. Anne Dutfoy. Clément Hardy. "Simultaneous off-the-grid learning of mixtures issued from a continuous dictionary." Bernoulli 31 (1) 187 - 212, February 2025. https://doi.org/10.3150/24-BEJ1724


Received: 1 October 2022; Published: February 2025
First available in Project Euclid: 30 October 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.3150/24-BEJ1724

Keywords: Continuous dictionary , group-nonlinear-lasso , interpolating certificates , mixture model , multi-task learning , non-linear regression model , off-the-grid methods , simultaneous recovery , sparse spike deconvolution

Vol.31 • No. 1 • February 2025
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