November 2024 On the asymptotic behavior of a finite section of the optimal causal filter
Junho Yang
Author Affiliations +
Bernoulli 30(4): 3137-3164 (November 2024). DOI: 10.3150/23-BEJ1709


We establish an L1-bound between the coefficients of the optimal causal filter applied to the data-generating process and its finite sample approximation. Here, we assume that the data-generating process is a second-order stationary time series with either short or long memory autocovariances. To derive the L1-bound, we first provide an exact expression for the coefficients of the causal filter and their approximations in terms of the absolute convergent series of the multistep ahead infinite and finite predictor coefficients, respectively. Then, we prove a so-called uniform Baxter’s inequality to obtain a bound for the difference between the infinite and finite multistep ahead predictor coefficients in both short and long memory time series. The L1-approximation error bound for the causal filter coefficients can be used to evaluate the performance of the linear predictions of time series through the mean squared error criterion.

Funding Statement

The author’s research was supported by Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Council (grant 110-2118-M-001-014-MY3).


The author is grateful to Professor Akihiko Inoue for fruitful discussions. The author also wishes to thank the two anonymous referees and editors for their valuable comments and corrections, which have greatly improved the article in all aspects.


Download Citation

Junho Yang. "On the asymptotic behavior of a finite section of the optimal causal filter." Bernoulli 30 (4) 3137 - 3164, November 2024.


Received: 1 February 2023; Published: November 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 30 July 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.3150/23-BEJ1709

Keywords: mean squared prediction error , Predictor coefficients , short and long memory time series , uniform Baxter’s inequality

Vol.30 • No. 4 • November 2024
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