May 2023 Central limit theorem of linear spectral statistics of high-dimensional sample correlation matrices
Yanqing Yin, Shurong Zheng, Tingting Zou
Author Affiliations +
Bernoulli 29(2): 984-1006 (May 2023). DOI: 10.3150/22-BEJ1487


A high-dimensional sample correlation matrix is an important random matrix in multivariate statistical analysis. Its central limit theory is one of the main theoretical bases for making statistical inferences on high-dimensional correlation matrices. Under the high-dimensional framework in which the data dimension tends to infinity proportionally with the sample size, we establish the central limit theorems (CLT) for the linear spectral statistics (LSS) of sample correlation matrices in two settings: (1) the population follows an independent component structure; (2) the population follows an elliptical structure, including some heavy-tailed distributions. The results show that the CLTs of the LSS of the sample correlation matrices are very different in the two settings. In particular, even if the population correlation matrix is an identity matrix, the CLTs are different in the two settings. An application of our two established CLTs is provided.


We are grateful to the Editor, the Associate Editor and two referees for their constructive comments, which helped us to improve the manuscript. Yanqing Yin is partially supported by NSFC 11801234. Shurong Zheng and Tingting Zou are the corresponding authors who were partially supported by NSFC grant 12071066 and KLAS.


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Yanqing Yin. Shurong Zheng. Tingting Zou. "Central limit theorem of linear spectral statistics of high-dimensional sample correlation matrices." Bernoulli 29 (2) 984 - 1006, May 2023.


Received: 1 November 2021; Published: May 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 19 February 2023

MathSciNet: MR4550212
zbMATH: 07666807
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3150/22-BEJ1487

Keywords: central limit theorem , elliptical distribution , high-dimensional , independent component structure , Random matrix theory , sample correlation matrix


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Vol.29 • No. 2 • May 2023
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