February 2023 Bootstrapping the operator norm in high dimensions: Error estimation for covariance matrices and sketching
Miles E. Lopes, N. Benjamin Erichson, Michael W. Mahoney
Author Affiliations +
Bernoulli 29(1): 428-450 (February 2023). DOI: 10.3150/22-BEJ1463


Although the operator (spectral) norm is one of the most widely used metrics for covariance estimation, comparatively little is known about the fluctuations of error in this norm. To be specific, let Σˆ denote the sample covariance matrix of n i.i.d. observations in Rp that arise from a population matrix Σ, and let Tn=nΣˆΣop. In the setting where the eigenvalues of Σ have a decay profile of the form λj(Σ)j2β, we analyze how well the bootstrap can approximate the distribution of Tn. Our main result shows that up to factors of log(n), the bootstrap can approximate the distribution of Tn with respect to the Kolmogorov metric at the rate of nβ126β+4, which does not depend on the ambient dimension p. In addition, we offer a supporting result of independent interest that establishes a high-probability upper bound for Tn based on flexible moment assumptions. More generally, we discuss the consequences of our work beyond covariance matrices, and show how the bootstrap can be used to estimate the errors of sketching algorithms in randomized numerical linear algebra (RandNLA). An illustration of these ideas is also provided with a climate data example.

Funding Statement

MEL was supported in part by NSF grants DMS-1613218 and DMS-1915786. NBE and MWM were supported in part by ARO, DARPA (FA8750-17-2-0122), NSF, and ONR.


Download Citation

Miles E. Lopes. N. Benjamin Erichson. Michael W. Mahoney. "Bootstrapping the operator norm in high dimensions: Error estimation for covariance matrices and sketching." Bernoulli 29 (1) 428 - 450, February 2023. https://doi.org/10.3150/22-BEJ1463


Received: 1 March 2020; Published: February 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 13 October 2022

MathSciNet: MR4497253
zbMATH: 07634398
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3150/22-BEJ1463

Keywords: bootstrap , Covariance estimation , error estimation , High-dimensional statistics , randomized numerical linear algebra , sketching

Vol.29 • No. 1 • February 2023
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