The article determines the asymptotic shape of the extremal clusters in stationary regularly varying random fields. To deduce this result, we present a general framework for the Poisson approximation of point processes on Polish spaces which appears to be of independent interest. We further introduce a novel and convenient concept of anchoring of the extremal clusters for regularly varying sequences and fields. Together with the Poissonian approximation theory, this allows for a concise description of the limiting behavior of random fields in this setting. We apply this theory to shed entirely new light on the classical problem of evaluating local alignments of biological sequences.
Bojan Basrak. Hrvoje Planinić. "Compound Poisson approximation for regularly varying fields with application to sequence alignment." Bernoulli 27 (2) 1371 - 1408, May 2021. https://doi.org/10.3150/20-BEJ1278