We derive a criterium for the almost sure finiteness of perpetual integrals of Lévy processes for a class of real functions including all continuous functions and for general one-dimensional Lévy processes that drifts to plus infinity. This generalizes previous work of Döring and Kyprianou, who considered Lévy processes having a local time, leaving the general case as an open problem. It turns out, that the criterium in the general situation simplifies significantly in the situation, where the process has a local time, but we also demonstrate that in general our criterium can not be reduced. This answers an open problem posed in (J. Theoret. Probab. 29 (2016) 1192–1198).
Martin Kolb. Mladen Savov. "A characterization of the finiteness of perpetual integrals of Lévy processes." Bernoulli 26 (2) 1453 - 1472, May 2020. https://doi.org/10.3150/19-BEJ1167