The present paper considers volume formulæ, as well as trigonometric identities, that hold for a tetrahedron in 3-dimensional spherical space of constant sectional curvature +1. The tetrahedron possesses a certain symmetry: namely rotation of angle π in the middle points of a certain pair of its skew edges.
Funding Statement
Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation no. 200020-113199/1, RFBR no. 09-01-00255 and RFBR no. 10-01-00642.
Alexander Kolpakov. Alexander Mednykh. Marina Pashkevich. "Volume formula for a ℤ2-symmetric spherical tetrahedron through its edge lengths." Ark. Mat. 51 (1) 99 - 123, April 2013. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11512-011-0148-2