Recently, Haghighi, Terai, Yassemi, and Zaare-Nahandi introduced the notion of a sequentially (Sr) simplicial complex. This notion gives a generalization of two properties for simplicial complexes: being sequentially Cohen–Macaulay and satisfying Serre’s condition (Sr). Let Δ be a (d−1)-dimensional simplicial complex with Γ(Δ) as its algebraic shifting. Also let (hi, j(Δ))0≤j≤i≤d be the h-triangle of Δ and (hi, j(Γ(Δ)))0≤j≤i≤d be the h-triangle of Γ(Δ). In this paper, it is shown that for a Δ being sequentially (Sr) and for every i and j with 0≤j≤i≤r−1, the equality hi, j(Δ)=hi, j(Γ(Δ)) holds true.
Dedicated with gratitude to our teacher and friend Jürgen Herzog on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
Mohammad Reza Pournaki. Seyed Amin Seyed Fakhari. Siamak Yassemi. "On the h-triangles of sequentially (Sr) simplicial complexes via algebraic shifting." Ark. Mat. 51 (1) 185 - 196, April 2013. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11512-011-0160-6