We give characterisations of certain positive finite Borel measures with unbounded support on the real axis so that the algebraic polynomials are dense in all spaces Lp(R, dμ), p≥1. These conditions apply, in particular, to the measures satisfying the classical Carleman conditions.
Funding Statement
This work was completed while A. Bakan was visiting Würzburg University, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). S. Ruscheweyh received partial support from the German-Israeli Foundation (grant G-643-117.6/1999) and from INTAS (Project 99-00089).
Andrew Bakan. Stephan Ruscheweyh. "Representation of measures with simultaneous polynomial denseness in Lp(R, dμ), 1≤p<∞." Ark. Mat. 43 (2) 221 - 249, October 2005. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02384778