Within the nonparametric regression model with unknown regression function l and independent, symmetric errors, a new multiscale signed rank statistic is introduced and a conditional multiple test of the simple hypothesis l=0 against a nonparametric alternative is proposed. This test is distribution-free and exact for finite samples even in the heteroscedastic case. It adapts in a certain sense to the unknown smoothness of the regression function under the alternative, and it is uniformly consistent against alternatives whose sup-norm tends to zero at the fastest possible rate. The test is shown to be asymptotically optimal in two senses: It is rate-optimal adaptive against Hölder classes. Furthermore, its relative asymptotic efficiency with respect to an asymptotically minimax optimal test under sup-norm loss is close to 1 in case of homoscedastic Gaussian errors within a broad range of Hölder classes simultaneously.
Angelika Rohde. "Adaptive goodness-of-fit tests based on signed ranks." Ann. Statist. 36 (3) 1346 - 1374, June 2008. https://doi.org/10.1214/009053607000000992