A local linear kernel estimator of the regression function x↦g(x):=E[Yi|Xi=x], x∈ℝd, of a stationary (d+1)-dimensional spatial process {(Y i,Xi),i∈ℤN} observed over a rectangular domain of the form ℐn:={i=(i1,…,iN)∈ℤN|1≤ik≤nk,k=1,…,N}, n=(n1,…,nN)∈ℤN, is proposed and investigated. Under mild regularity assumptions, asymptotic normality of the estimators of g(x) and its derivatives is established. Appropriate choices of the bandwidths are proposed. The spatial process is assumed to satisfy some very general mixing conditions, generalizing classical time-series strong mixing concepts. The size of the rectangular domain ℐn is allowed to tend to infinity at different rates depending on the direction in ℤN.
Marc Hallin. Zudi Lu. Lanh T. Tran. "Local linear spatial regression." Ann. Statist. 32 (6) 2469 - 2500, December 2004. https://doi.org/10.1214/009053604000000850