Discussions of: "Process consistency for AdaBoost" [Ann. Statist. 32 (2004), no. 1, 13-29] by W. Jiang; "On the Bayes-risk consistency of regularized boosting methods" [ibid., 30-55] by G. Lugosi and N. Vayatis; and "Statistical behavior and consistency of classification methods based on convex risk minimization" [ibid., 56-85] by T. Zhang. Includes rejoinders by the authors.
Peter L. Bartlett. Peter J. Bickel. Peter Bühlmann. Yoav Freund. Jerome Friedman. Trevor Hastie. Wenxin Jiang. Michael J. Jordan. Vladimir Koltchinskii. Gábor Lugosi. Jon D. McAuliffe. Ya'acov Ritov. Saharan Rosset. Robert E. Schapire. Robert Tibshirani. Nicolas Vayatis. Bin Yu. Tong Zhang. Ji Zhu. "Discussions of boosting papers, and rejoinders." Ann. Statist. 32 (1) 85 - 134, February 2004. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1105988581