In estimating a vector model, $\Sigma B(j)x(n-j)=\Sigma A(j)\epsilon(n-j), A(0)=I_r, E(\epsilon(m)\epsilon(n)')=\delta_{mn}K$ it is suggested that attention be confined to cases where $g(z) =\Sigma A(j)z^j, h(z)=\Sigma B(j)z^j$ have determinants with no zeroes inside the unit circle and have $I_r$ as greatest common left divisor and where $\1brack A(p)\vdots B(q) \rbrack$ is of rank r, where p, q are the degrees of g, h, respectively. It is shown that these conditions ensure that a certain estimation procedure gives strongly consistent estimates and the last of the conditions is probably necessary for this to be so, when the first two are satisfied. The strongly consistent estimation procedure may serve to initiate an iterative maximisation of a likelihood.
E. J. Hannan. "The Estimation of Arma Models." Ann. Statist. 3 (4) 975 - 981, July, 1975. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176343200