Open Access
October 1998 The problem of regions
Bradley Efron, Robert Tibshirani
Ann. Statist. 26(5): 1687-1718 (October 1998). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1024691353


In the problem of regions, we wish to know which one of a discrete set of possibilities applies to a continuous parameter vector. This problem arises in the following way: we compute a descriptive statistic from a set of data, notice an interesting feature and wish to assign a confidence level to that feature. For example, we compute a density estimate and notice that the estimate is bimodal. What confidence can we assign to bimodality? A natural way to measure confidence is via the bootstrap: we compute our descriptive statistic on a large number of bootstrap data sets and record the proportion of times that the feature appears. This seems like a plausible measure of confidence for the feature. The paper studies the construction of such confidence values and examines to what extent they approximate frequentist $p$-values and Bayesian a posteriori probabilities. We derive more accurate confidence levels using both frequentist and objective Bayesian approaches. The methods are illustrated with a number of examples, including polynomial model selection and estimating the number of modes of a density.


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Bradley Efron. Robert Tibshirani. "The problem of regions." Ann. Statist. 26 (5) 1687 - 1718, October 1998.


Published: October 1998
First available in Project Euclid: 21 June 2002

zbMATH: 0954.62031
MathSciNet: MR1673274
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1024691353

Primary: Primary 62G10
Secondary: secondary 62G09

Keywords: bootstrap reweighting , Discrete estimation problems , metric-free methods , objective Bayes methods

Rights: Copyright © 1998 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.26 • No. 5 • October 1998
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