Open Access
October 1996 Bayesian models for sparse probability tables
Jim Q. Smith, Catriona M. Queen
Ann. Statist. 24(5): 2178-2198 (October 1996). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1069362316


We wish to make inferences about the conditional probabilities $p(y|x)$, many of which are zero, when the distribution of X is unknown and one observes only a multinomial sample of the Y variates. To do this, fixed likelihood ratio models and quasi-incremental distributions are defined. It is shown that quasi-incremental distributions are intimately linked to decomposable graphs and that these graphs can guide us to transformations of X and Y which admit a conjugate Bayesian analysis on a reparametrization of the conditional probabilities of interest.


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Jim Q. Smith. Catriona M. Queen. "Bayesian models for sparse probability tables." Ann. Statist. 24 (5) 2178 - 2198, October 1996.


Published: October 1996
First available in Project Euclid: 20 November 2003

zbMATH: 0867.62015
MathSciNet: MR1421167
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1069362316

Primary: 62F15
Secondary: 62H17

Keywords: Bayesian probability estimation , constraint graph , Contingency tables , decomposable graph , generalized Dirichlet distributions , separation of likelihood

Rights: Copyright © 1996 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.24 • No. 5 • October 1996
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