Stationary vector ARMA processes $x(t), t = 0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \cdots$, of $n$ components are considered that are of full rank, and the situation where there are linear functions of the future $x(t), t > 0$, and the past $x(t), t \leq 0$ (more properly the present and the past) that have unit correlation. It is shown that the number of linearly independent such pairs (i.e., the number of unit canonical correlations between future and past) is the number of zeros of the determinant of the transfer functions, from innovations to outputs, that lie on the unit circle, counting these with their multiplicities.
E. J. Hannan. D. S. Poskitt. "Unit Canonical Correlations between Future and Past." Ann. Statist. 16 (2) 784 - 790, June, 1988. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176350836