We consider the model of Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree, which has appeared in a variety of different contexts in probability, statistical physics and combinatorics. For this model the total occupation measure is known to have a continuously differentiable density , and we write for its derivative. Although the process is not Markov, we prove that the pair is a time-homogeneous Markov process. We also establish a similar result for the local times of one-dimensional super-Brownian motion. Our methods rely on the excursion theory for Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree.
Funding Statement
This work was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant 740943 GEOBROWN.
This work was motivated by a very stimulating lecture of Guillaume Chapuy at the CIRM Conference on Random Geometry in January 2022. I thank Guillaume Chapuy and Jean-François Marckert for keeping me informed of their on-going work [9]. I also thank Loïc Chaumont for letting me know about reference [5]. It is a pleasure to thank Jieliang Hong and Ed Perkins for a useful conversation at the 2022 PIMS Summer School in Probability. Finally, I thank two anonymous referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and, in particular, for pointing at an error in the initial proof of Lemma 8.
Jean-François Le Gall. "The Markov property of local times of Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree." Ann. Probab. 52 (1) 188 - 216, January 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-AOP1652