Oliveira conjectured that the order of the mixing time of the exclusion process with $k$-particles on an arbitrary $n$-vertex graph is at most that of the mixing-time of $k$ independent particles. We verify this up to a constant factor for $d$-regular graphs when each edge rings at rate $1/d$ in various cases:
(1) when $d=\Omega (\log _{n/k}n)$,
(2) when $\mathrm{gap}:=$ the spectral-gap of a single walk is $O(1/\log ^{4}n)$ and $k\ge n^{\Omega (1)}$,
(3) when $k\asymp n^{a}$ for some constant $0<a<1$.
In these cases, our analysis yields a probabilistic proof of a weaker version of Aldous’ famous spectral-gap conjecture (resolved by Caputo et al.). We also prove a general bound of $O(\log n\log \log n/\mathrm{gap})$, which is within a $\log \log n$ factor from Oliveira’s conjecture when $k\ge n^{\Omega (1)}$. As applications, we get new mixing bounds:
(a) $O(\log n\log \log n)$ for expanders,
(b) order $d\log (dk)$ for the hypercube $\{0,1\}^{d}$,
(c) order $(\mathrm{Diameter})^{2}\log k$ for vertex-transitive graphs of moderate growth and for supercritical percolation on a fixed dimensional torus.
Jonathan Hermon. Richard Pymar. "The exclusion process mixes (almost) faster than independent particles." Ann. Probab. 48 (6) 3077 - 3123, November 2020. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-AOP1455