The main idea of the present work is to associate with a general continuous branching process an exploration process that contains the desirable information about the genealogical structure. The exploration process appears as a simple local time functional of a Lévy process with no negative jumps, whose Laplace exponent coincides with the branching mechanism function. This new relation between spectrally positive Lévy processes and continuous branching processes provides a unified perspective on both theories. In particular, we derive the adequate formulation of the classical Ray–Knight theorem for such Lévy processes. As a consequence of this theorem, we show that the path continuity of the exploration process is equivalent to the almost sure extinction of the branching process.
Jean-Francois Le Gall. Yves Le Jan. "Branching processes in Lévy processes: the exploration process." Ann. Probab. 26 (1) 213 - 252, January 1998. https://doi.org/10.1214/aop/1022855417